Well well well.
I have decided to change my blogskin, even though that was looong overdue. Well yes.
A blog post is also long overdue.
I hate it when people don't update, but there I go, getting all hypocritical on you. I will henceforth have mini rants about several different subjects. If you read, congratu-fucking-lations to you.
So I have a sudden interest in my geetar again. So i just randomly picked it up and started playing random songs. I'm very good at christmas carols. AHAHAH. Hey There Delilah was also fairly easy to learn.
Chords. Strumming. Not alot of brain juice, you get the picture. Jusr sing along, like a campfire.
I can also play I don't love you. It sounds the most convincing out of my mcr song repertoire.The official chords in the aar songbook are slightly more complicated. So i find the dumbed down version. HAHA i hate flipping through to look for chord demonstrations. =/
Okay, so I feel as if i have too much homework. Which is true. I usually do all of it too. Eventually. But I am what's known as a master of the art of procrastination, and i GUARANTEE i'll regret it later? Okay? Okay. Don't expect me to maintain my average, now. I hope I don't stray past 5th in class now. Bah.
A certain teacher was very normal today. Shocking eh? Except when she questioned me about my "supersonic compre". It's not my fault i finished it in like. what 15 minutes. It was easy and I don't even think that's fast.
I really like those mrs fields mooncakes now. its like a brownie mooncake. mmmm.
I'm going to be miserable during the holidays. This is me without anyone: =| Ihatemyselfblooobleeeelonerlalalalamytimeisbeingwastedlifesucksho. This is me around friends: =D TEEHEE!
At my core, my personality has extreme polar opposites.
I must admit, I want to see the click five HAHA. But I'm really lame and I have no friends so no one would really want to go with me. Well, my self esteem is just inflating all by itself innit.
Labels: big daddy.
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