where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

beckett williams = hayley williams' brothaa.

Strange. Two beckett dreams consecutively. Both involving relatively little clothes. Shia was also present, though i'm pretty much over him. Smoking and alcohol, who needs that?

Went out with Amaris, Jie Rong, and Amaris' friends, plus one totally silent hwa chong kid going by the name of Cedric. Harold backed out, that fucker. I SO WANTED TO CONFRONT HIM ABOUT THAT UWC RUMOUR. Srsly. When did ANYONE'S eyes ever witness me wearing a polo shirt? And if I got kicked out of school, why on Earth would I go to stewpid UWC to become even dumber. Okay, fine, it makes sense if you're desperate...

Anyway. Day was just a little awkward, not made any better by Jie Rong's complete lack of participation. But I met nice people. FUELED BY RAMEN-ERS! WOO! Even though Jie Rong was the one who wanted to meet people in the first place. Ah, irony. You know, I discovered I actually enjoy meeting new people, much to my surprise. It shakes things up and you don't have to deal with every monotous move from people you already know. I suppose that sounds bad. But it's true. Sometimes you just need to take a vacation from everything you know.


My ulcers hurt like fuck the whole day. Ugh. They are the worst things on the PLANET. I need to stop chewing so fast. Then I won't chomp so hard, miss my food and then KAPOW! on my lip. Grr. I can't talk properly and I eat even slower than before.

We saw Bee Movie. Predictable, but funny enough. Points for elements of bestiality. LOL.

Just finished season 3 of Buffy. And onto the next one! Wow, I need things to do.

Muttons still haven't called me about my MAGICAL MCR BRIEFING TOMORROW AT 6PM. Hmph. I may call in from desperation.

I have a sudden, intense urge to SHOP and buy bimbotic things. And clothes. Lots and lots of clothes.

I have been influenced.

I shall go watch Chicago now. =D

And maybe complete those Alice drawings I've been attempting. Nothing like fascination of your own fear.



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