where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why are people so damn complicated?

I never know what other people are thinking because they never tell me. Sometimes the guess comes close but oftentimes it's just that: A guess.

Why can't we all just say what's on our minds already? Because it takes up too much time and space in my nervous brain to keep thinking about you all the time.

In this life where every display name is a message and every posted line has a meaning, it sucks when I can't just decode them all.

Or maybe I'm just jealous that you have someone, and I don't. That you live a life I'll never understand. You're perfect now and I'm not, so you aren't allowed to suffer.

I'm a a fairly odd mood. Confused and sleepy, failing and smiling about it.

Don't quote urie to me.


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