where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I'mma frickin genius. I can write about soap. Yeah, soap.


okay sorry.

Can i just say I love C and C. Psh they fucking rule. And they're WAY cooler than you. They're real friends!

And to my little coshrimmer, seriously, if my blog was any pervier, My Friends Would Disown Me. Mpphh. Convents suck brick. HAHAHA Kevin...

Kevin McCallister is my hero ahaha. Home Alone fucking pwns you kay...

I need to slap my body clock back into whack. I cannot keep waking up at 4pm. It's ridiculous, even for me.

I'm thinking about signing up for a theater workshop. Will anyone take it with me?

My mom is also suggesting I take up more dance classes. Maybe I should go back to ballet... IDK...

I really want to take singing lessons... But i'm too embarrassed to tell my mom that.

I really need people to tag me. I think it's because NO ONE CAN SEE MY FRICKIN CHATBOX. *scroll to the right, then downnn* ah well, nobody likes me anyway.

Let me list the ways I suck:

- I moodswing like a pregnant mother
- Apparently, I "put people down" alot
- I'm too sarcastic, but I actually like that
- I think I enjoy attention too much HAHAHA... But if it's for the wrong reasons then I'll hide in the corner ahaha
- I'm cripplingly shy
- I can't converse for nuts with someone I just met
- My grades are pathetic. Yes I'm tenth in class but seriously, the standard of my school isn't very high. Yes, if you go to this school, I'm very sorry, I'm not calling you stupid. We're all smart in different ways, okay?!
- I'm told I have no self-control, which is very true
- I get obsessed very easily
- I've also been told I waste alot of things
- I stick my nose into other people's shizz. I mean it like business not actual shizz all right.
- I have to be right all the time. Can't be wrong. At all. If I am, be afraid.
- I'm insecure, hence this list.
- I don't stick to anything except for my skincare routine. Diets and exercise often go to hell, but I do control my portions very well :D
- I often let people walk all over me (though if it's an enemy I will usually kick your sad ass)
- I can be super-organised, but my room looks like the tornado from Hell blew through it.
- I used to be pretty spunky, but I don't know that girl anymore HA
- I'm sick and perverted HAHAHA
- I procrastinate till I die
- I want to be spontaneous but somehow THAT never happens
- I often do things without thinking. But then of course, i often do things with the caution of a 90 year old woman making a trip down the stairs.

Okay that's basically all I have for now. There's lots more though.

Have fun,



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