where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Monday, December 22, 2008

we could be made for this wait and see.

I am srs bsns missing some people rn. hellogoodbye constantly playing in my head not helping the situation and making me feel giddy and schoolgirly and feeling like ice-skating.

I realise that life gives me a lot to think about, and I don't nearly think about things enough. Likely I think more than the average person emerging from the hallowed halls of our lovely little convent, but let's follow my own standards. I need to read more. And have like a thinking journal of things to ponder. I used to be a ponderer. Now I'm just the lame leaf in the lame stream floating along lamely. There are could-be's and what-if's and hows and whys and motives and agendas and reactions and plans and goals and acceptance and striving. Then there's reasons for throwing away the granulated sugar for the log cake, or laughing hysterically at 1am, watching egg beaters.

Now I wonder how I ever ran out of material. There are lots of lessons to be learned from egg beaters.

I bought new jeans and they fit beautifully. I shall wear them on new year's.

Boats and Birds is a beautiful song. I'm a sucker for any mention of stars.

Sh sh sha.


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