where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

It is difficult for me to constantly put my life into perspective, and to realise that I am the constant in my life. So with these few days off, I vow to enjoy the following:

1. My youth, and all its trappings - balloons, fairies, rainbows and dancing.

2. The music that is all around me.

3. My room, and knowing that it is my space.

4. Pretty dresses.

5. The freedom of my own mind - the freedom to relax, to just be.

6. Writing, writing beauty and ugliness and complexity and lightness.

7. My family - my mother, my brother and my grandfather, who are all treasures in their own right.

8. Myself.

I remember peace like the back of my hand. I finally feel like I can breathe. I can always breathe. My life never has to be claustrophobic, and the things that I fear are not real, nowhere near as real as this corporeal body that is not meant to grow old so quickly.


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