where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I'm like, almost afraid to blog about cap in case a blog stalker ends up reading it.

Anyway, so. Okay i totally hated cap for like the first three days and wanted to die but then after that it grew on me and by the last day I was seriously feeling the love and felt so huggy at the end and yes, even smiled at and talked to crawshaw. [ikr.]

Now I just miss everyone and their win and their lack of stupidity and running to the shower first and people who look like people i can't place/ScarJo [jehluzz] and drama peeps and Amaris and CASHIE who is quite possibly the most adorable person in the world [hayley head movements and infectious berry shriek/laugh and purple hoodie and squishness and the cyootest verz of the NP dance I've ever seen] and my RT bb!

So yeah writing workshops were kinda soso except for michael corbidge and his complete win [um hai the man is a genius can i come work for you at Singapore Repertory Theatre kthanks. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO BACK TO RENEE AND JOANNE AND THE VOICES? Screw it.] and Jeffrey Lim but that was because I sat next to my darling Cashie and we just filled up paper with endless crap.

But mostly I just lived for the drama which was just of a higher level [NOT THAT KIND OF HIGHER LEVEL, NADIA]. IT GOES BEYOND ANY GOLD WITH FREAKING HONOURS SYF I'VE SEEN. What is silence? I will never get over how amazing it was to work in a production like that which was so effective it totes made Amaris cry. It was so layered and textured and surreal and our lines were just beautiful. The poem at the end always gives me goosebumps. Btw I ttly owned with my drama ~skillz~ Lol jk. DON'T SAY IT! -hides face-

And thanks to michael for getting that song stuck in every single drama person's head for like OH EVER. btw I'm listening to it now on youtube and it doesn't sound like drama's verz. DRAMA'S VERZ PWN PLS. btw Sound Of Silence = SOS. LAWLZ.

Drama just ftw. Zip Zap and etheric consciousness and girls who can sing mad fiercely and guys who scare me more than a little f-t-f-w.

"The silence upon you is where drowned things live
If the silence between us is a language, we must learn to sing
You clasped my clammy, still hand and the nothingness that came with it
I talk to God but the sky is empty"

That's a rough idea. Isn't that just beautiful. And performed live it was just magic. Pure and utter magic.

Ahhh memories are just flooding my head. I'm going to sign up for oh just about CAP everything.

EDIT: Some harry potter innuendoes for you.

2. When Harry says Petrificus, white stuff drips from his wand.
3. I'll show you my chamber of secrets.


A parting gift:


-reenactment of cafeteria scene from Mean Girls-


Friday, May 23, 2008

Cook just smirked as Archie pulled down his pants to reveal Cook's gigantic pecker. "It's so so big!" Archie said with delight and he went down and gulped down Cook's penis in one big swoop.
"I've never had any complains, Archiebons," Cook groaned. Archie laughed and got off Cook's cock. "it's so big I'm gonna have to call it COOKIE MONSTER."

"Oh my gosh! It's so big!" Archie screamed.

Demi squinted harshly as the bright sunlight seeping through the curtains interrupted her beauty sleep. But that didn’t stop her from smiling when she noticed the love of her life snoring beside her, face-plated in a pillow. Before rising on account of her full bladder, she gave Miley’s bare shoulder a quick kiss and then rushed off to use the facility. After going pee and brushing her teeth, Demi waltzed out of the bathroom, clothed in nothing but perfectly-tanned skin.

A loud shriek came from the direction of the bed, and Demi jerked her head to her left to see a wide-eyed Miley sitting up and looking her nude body up and down. “Who the hell are you?!”

“Haha. You are so funny, Miles.”

“Oh, it ain’t gonna be funny when I call the police! Now, who the hell are you and what the fuck am I doing here?!”

Thinking it was only a joke, Demi decided to “play along”.”Well, I’m your girlfriend, this is my house, and you slept over last night after we made sweet, sweet love!”

oh ontd.

Lol i felt the urge to comment m&m so i did.

Epic fail beyond words which does not even deserve a pH.

Words cannot express miley's stupidity.

"Srsly, anyone who thinks MM can beat ACDC deserved to be locked up in a room and forced to listen to David Archuleta singing Hannah Montana songs until she eventually goes insane and jumps off a cliff to join her fellow MM-loving douchebags in the afterworld of phail." <-- Cashie so deserves to be on PR right now just for the win of this.

Anyway, i still haven't done my cap assignment OR my freaking pbl. due on 30th fucking may. thanks. and i get to miss my fucking bio lesson which i fucking need.


man i should stop whining about cap already. lol i ttly forgot to bring my bio book home. fail. it's in my locker. i have to get it. boo.

The Kooks still rape my mind. I love Naive. It's so catchy. damn that british pop. it's so weird and wonderful.

omg it's so freaking hot lately i can't stand it. i hate the heat.

Abababa. I feel restless.

This was a totally shitty post.

I shall go watch heathers later.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ah well here i sit alternating between bopping to old-school britney and singing to the kooks. strangely randomly addictive songs. his accent is weird but i like it.

i am now doggedly attempting to download the album -ooh i'm illegal-

illegal in the backseat. lol i think that's a bardot lyric.

anytootinghoo. i am contemplating whether or not to go to school tomorrow. there is mass for four mothermcfuckinghours. MY LEGS CAN'T TAKE IT THANKS. Plus when i fall asleep i'll prolly drool all over the person in front. but then mrs loke will berate me for not going to school that day. damn. hot damn.

i can't wait for sunday :D

I cannot explain my recent bouts of cuteness feeling. i just feel cute inside. happy and sunshiny and downright cute! cute is on the ~inside~ bb.

I love everyone today. look out, I may write you a note!

you know, whenever i see anything advertising for macbook air, it makes me think of no air. LULZ.

meanwhile, no one knows that i'm actually using that turquoise pen to write risque stories during homeroom. well, now you do!

gagagaga. I NEED A NEW PHONE + CLOTHES. and i have to get them by saturdayyy.

it's one of those days where i feel like chopping all my hair off.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Uh hi-ho.

Nadia naggeth me to update so I shall. I've noticed a pattern where people ask me to update, I say nobody reads it, feel that it's true, but yet they insist. okay.

dreads cap. why did i do it. what have i gotten myself into.

I SO do not foresee low being the themesong of the 170 gep-ers kthanks.

anyway. i feel disturbingly insecure today. ever since being ttly traumatized by the briefing I can't remember the three worlds I tend to live in. There's the one with school, there's the one at home, and then there's the hell that approaches with cap. So sometimes I just forget that I have friends. That's probably not comforting but it's true. I just have a lot of ~feelings~. AHHH I sound certifiably insane.

Onto happier subjects. Let's find me something to talk about, shall we?

Ah yes. Nadia fo fadia / carrot-top's birthday soon approaches and I have obtained her present by devious means. My green pea turns 15 soon, and shall be applicable to the Rilo Kiley song for 365 days. *CLAPS AND STREAMERS AND BALLOONS*

House is always a great place to retreat to. NO MOM, I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM. Yes I love him but not in that way pls. If we were like closer in age sure but it's just... odd rn. I'm not sure why he is such a wonderfully comforting man, but he just is. I know he's a huge softy at heart, cmon it's so obvs. Plus he can play 1816530759 instruments and sing amusingly. Man got skillz.

May I bring him and his win to cap?

Oh timtam the holy pasta sticks. Nadia has left me and I am tibble-bitsing alone.

That's life.

~ Lol that was like at 10pm yesterday.~

Kay it's morning now and I shall continue my post.

I had another freaky dream, but after like 15 years of having those I should be used to it right. All i shall tell you is that Shiloh was my baby sister and i got to carry her and save her from the evil that pursued us. :D i would kill to have that baby. actually i don't mind marcia cross' twins either. they are redheaded which is a big plus and they are just so stompy and cute.

~LOL oh wow it's like 9.28pm on monday and i still haven't posted. Well, my day's not going to get any more interesting, so, you will never know what i did today.~


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

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Fuck all the h8ers h8in on this movie!

I see absolutely nothing wrong with the plotline. I think it's lovely even if you know the acting isn't so awesome! I KNOW I'VE RANTED ABOUT THIS 1847264953010 TIMES BUT I DON'T FREAKING CARE!

This movie produced some of the loveliest, most timeless songs that have graced the world with their presence and this movie was just downright whimsical and hey even the lead singer of goddamn korn agrees with me.

I'm not going to take anyone's goddamn shit about it. WHATEVER, MOVIE CRITICS THOUGHT CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FUCKTORY COURTESY OF TIM MCFUCKING BURTON WAS A GOOD MOVIE. Thanks for that, tim. You ruined Roald Dahl, when i didn't think that was possible. Go to Heidiwood and die kthanks.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hai it's 4.46am peoples and it rains!

I watched so much teevee today my brain hurts. First I watched online tv then real tv. I felt so ~azn~ today.

Well the day started off with some Star King which is just the best talent show in the entire world. Srsly every other talent show just got pwned so fucking hard YEAH I'M TALKING TO YOU AMERICAN IDOL.

Everybody needs this in their life. Best ep right hurr.


Then after luffing at WOWP for half an hour and selena's freakish bobble-head, i was bored of the HM ep which has showed 10000 times, so i alternated between battle of the hollywood hotties and antm and random channel flipping and vasaantham central which i haven't watched in years. The annoying white subtitles always get me though. HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN MY SATURDAY TRADITION? I think it ended with the suite life, actually. Good times.

Marathon ANTM-ed. Brother came home and found me in the dark living room on the couch in the zone to antm. Hmph saleisha. I liked her but heather and jenah were my favourites. HEATHER IS SO HOT SRSLY. Why didn't I put her on my list.

Ah okay. Well. Sorry for not being online. I fell asleep during House marathon.

It's all that teevee I tell you!


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Yesterday SOMEONE abandoned me even though i came back like ten minutes after they disconnected. HMPH.

Yeah so I randomly bought Marie Digby's album in pure faith. And I do kind of like it. It's growing on me. Stupid For You is so cute. The songs are really simple. But it still sounds a little annoyingly YouTube, if you know what I mean. Miss Invisible is unrealistic. So Taylor Swift- Teardrops on my guitar. THESE PEOPLE ARE TOO GENETICALLY GIFTED TO HAVE THIS HAPPEN KTHANKS.

Anyway something Yan Xuan said is really getting to me. "You know how when you're dreaming everything makes sense but when you wake up you realise it was all rubbish" or something to that extent. Well it's really true. Like last night I dreamt that I actually had more than one brother and they all looked like younger versions of him. AND TWO OF THEIR NAMES WERE TELENOVA AND COBRA, what the hell. Is it the Church video getting to me after so long? And also I incongruously turned FRENCH of all things and was doing my hair and then Judith Light was my evil mother-in-law.

And it all made sense up until about two seconds after I was rudely woken up by the goddamn McDonalds' people calling. Though yes they give me McGriddles.

So, apologise is ttly raping my mind right nao. Huffleduffle.

Bored nao.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Yeah so I'm totally scarred by my dream involving all the disney princesses, and me as Sleeping Beauty who is betrothed to Rowan Atkinson and liking it.

There was also something involving pan-fried contact lenses and the Ebola virus.

Despite the latter line, it was a weirdly sexually-charged dream although nothing happened.

Anyway, Groo Croo needs to get on with it.

It's so WHUTWHUT! I can't stand it.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

oh no.

i think my sprouse obsession JUST PARTIALLY CAME BACK. At least one hopes it's only partially. i've sat here watching videos for about an hour now.

blame the fact that i ate a chocolate cookie before bed and dreamt about them. SUBCONSCIOUS~

maybe it's just a one time thing.


temporary relapse. it'll all be over by tomorrow.
