where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

So i have a few minutes before I am off to study. YES. NO GOING TO ONTD FOR ME. AT ALL. So I shall just blog. Although if I have till 7.40... OKAY FINE I'LL JUST HAVE A QUICK PERUSAL. -okay i actually never went. YAY ME.-


Currently drinking milo for no discernible reason. Just had an urge. It seems to be the only urge I can indulge in these days.

Teehee. Can you keep a secant?

It's so sad that Angela doesn't like my jokes. I thought she would appreciate it. WHO WANTS TO HEAR MY TREE-GO PUNS?

1. Give me a sine!
2. Pay attangent!
3. Yeah the secant one.

Hmm skipped out on that napfa! My scores would all suck if I did it now so i postponed. Yayyers.


Yes I know you hate milo, nadia.

Rehearsal tomorrow. I like how far away woodlands is. And how it always seems to rain when i either go there or come home from there.

K imma end here and yeah.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh dear it's 10.30 and I should reeeaaally be studying for my identities test of which i know a total of nothing, thank you.

There's also the lit test of TWENTY CHAPTERS, WHAT THE FUCK?! And the history test of which I shall phail because ms v taught us nothing.

omg i actually just woke up from a rly short nap -though i wanted to make it a long one urrrr it tempts me- and i had this crazy evil dream. Like, I was with Mandy in math class, except that it was taught by Ms P, formerly known as Ms S, and she was this evil condescending bitch, and her presence was not helped by the worst elitist bitch in the world sitting at the back of the class making fun of me for not understanding. Until one day I finally fucking snapped and gave a gretchenweinersbrutus-type speech about "Everyone is so mean, selfish, bitchy just because I DON'T UNDERSTAND~" -wahhh- and i just woke up from the dream rly frustrated.

and then went to drink apple juice. OMG I WANT TO NAP PLEASE. CAN I?

okay just until 10.50pm. hurhur.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Video On Trial owns me.

Watching wendy wu rn. It makes me think about all the things I want to do one day. They are srsly random.

In no particular order!

1. Play in an anti-gravity chamber!

2. Do an awesome flying kungfu 360 degree kick. :D

3. Go to Africa and Egypt and... Turkey!

4. Oh looks at the man mree on the flying trapeze.

5. Win an eating contest.

6. Speak French and Spanish.

7. Live in New York.

8. Dress up as Daphne from Scooby-Doo!

9. Have a 48 hour Cartoon Network marathon.


11. Date a transsexual. :D

12. Watch every bad movie in existence. Like Pink Flamingoes. Omg it sounds so disgusting. And insane kungfu 70s movies.

13. Go to China to celebrate zhong qiu jie ^_^ sry Wendy Wu makes me feel rly azn.

14. Win a literature prize!

15. O WELL I GUESS I CAN CROSS OUT STAR IN A MUSICAL. GOSH. Okay star in a GOOD musical. Hmm omwf anyone?

16. Be in a totally radcore tigerbeatbop kind of band.

17. Go to a Renaissance Fair! OICU LUKE'S SISTER.

18. ... Have hot hate sex with a random stranger. YEAH I THINK I MEAN IT.

19. Sumo-wrestle.

20. Understand Fantasia. Wtf was that shit?

21. Save someone with CPR!

22. Make the world get Xanadu.

23. Be a reporter for the BBC.

24. Change the Singapore education system.

25. Break a world record, preferably the one in Hey Arnold for biggest pizza.

I'm out of shiz. And Nadia nags me to update. So I shall post this now.

Today I had a water drinking contest with my brother. Futile, I know, since one cup of water makes me feel insanely nauseous, but hey, it's just about getting me to drink moar water. Of course I had to pee like four times in an hour later. BUT IRREGARDLESS.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The world has it's shine, but I would drop it on a dime for you.

Damnit. I miss my three five C's -lol omg the five c's- so badly. I need to talk to you guys more. What happened to us? You were the ones I always told everything and I mean everything. We went through so much shit together, and we'll never break. I'm sorry, C's.

Anyhoo today was one goddamn awful hell-sent day. nabeh i don't even want to rant. the history project yeah ttly phailing that and omg standing broad jump from yesterday which i fucked up twelve+ times -thanks for making me feel great about that too- made me ache like a mofo today and it was fucking excruciating just to breathe and omg i was so annoyed at everyone today and i whined like crazy. and to top it all the fuck off mrs kao had one and fucking screamed at me in front of like 53098370 students from mgs and acsi and it was fucking humiliating kthx. as if i don't get trigo enough, she has to put it all back in my face yeah thanks for that.

i wish i could talk to joyce and yan xuan more <3 I FEEL SO DEPRIVED OF REAL TALKING.

namotherfuckingbehhhh. so grumpy.

k DO OR DIE AM GOING OFF AT 11.40PM. YES. NEED SLEEP. On account of me being stressed to the wams and being sick. I NEED TO NOT BE SICK HOW INCONVENIENT OMG am chugging 5472304 tons of -sunny d- okay no just oj.

ahhh cupcakes. if i like you, you may get one tomorrow. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


okay random tellings about my week. leaving out the moody parts. MOODY'S POINT. R U MY STERNUM? Omg sounds wrong. i liked spalding btw. sternum ftl. anyway.

so yesterday brother came to pick me up from school :) we were allegedly going to watch our trashy movie aka hellboy for epic lulz but momma just had an operation to remove the vericose vein from her leg so we came home after buying carl's, macaroni, fruit -btw Giant at vivo has RIDICULOUSLY large fruit. their fucking watermelon is like three heads large and heavier than like me. hmm oh and banana nut bread mix. odd but i saw it and i wanted it.

so then came home and mom was asleep. fail. we watched house, "Frozen" like woah icu hilson gtfo amber.

then today i rushed around after school to go to the payphone -which i later found out was card nao. F-F-F-FAIL!- and ended up borrowing jody's phone. ran off to tiong to buy tickets for the 3.15pm show. brother showed up at 3.30 and the movie started like ten minutes after. LOL. it did not bring enough lolling, although i did scream LUSCIOUS MALFOY like every ten seconds.

and my brother dropped my final hot dog piece. DO NOT APPROVE.

going out with jody tomorrow to night festival. funness. LOL I NEED TO BRING SO MUCH FOOD FOR JODY. Pump those calories bb.

and then after that is saturday. i like saturdays. hmm saturdays.

KENSAI omg i do not know why that word made me think of scooby doo and my unfulfilled vow to start rediscovering cartoon netwurkz. i need to duit sometime.

Umm thinking of things to say. do not feel like ranting about hilson. so i shan't. although.

hello, nurse!

do not want to talk about trace cyrus, miley, selena and nick's possible togetherness and how selena is sadly growing on me, my phone bein ght epic dead battery phail that it was today, falling asleep in math, the phrase chee bye, or my total incompletion of homework.

or about a girl. even though the chorus is stuck in my head, because well the verse hasn't got a tune. GRAMMAR, BILL!!!


Chemistry will be the death of me. Again. No mustn't say that or the ~karma will come back to haunt me. I really want to eat katsu don like damn. O ilu japanese fried things.

i totally whored my debate points to two different classes. lollercoaster at the part where it flips 360 degrees.

done now.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Im Tara. Im a Satanistr and if u dont lik me coz of dat den FUK OFF!. if ur a prep or a pozr den fuk off 2 koz ur gay!! here r sum fingz u shud no abot me.




Sunday, July 06, 2008

1. Do you want to grow old with someone or be single?
I need someone. Aloneness, no.

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Dreaming of undisclosed matters. I woke up an hour ago. Why didn't I do this quiz like yesterday. Then I could've bragged about being awake. Well I actually did start it yesterday but ran away to watch St Trinian's.

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Lying awake in bed, thinking.

4. What was something that happened to you in 1992?
Was conceived, did that whole multiplying from one egg cell thing.

5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do?
Have sex with that person. Jk. Well tbh it would probably happen. Moving on. Uh. Build a radio and a fire and transform into Tom Hanks. WILSONNNNN!

6. When someone catches your eye, do you try to make eye contact or avoid it?
Mhh. If it's -someone- then I'll avoid it and then smile to myself. If it's ~someone~ I'll just go wtf are you doing.

7. What color is your hairbrush?

8. What was the last thing you bought?
Ummm... Chicken pepper rice...?

9. How do you know when you're in love?
When you can't stop thinking about whoever and you think silly things are cute. I guess. But this only counts if the feelings are returned nao. CRUSH =/= LOVE. I have learned that. All of this is just hypothetical, though. Rly.

10. Have you been to china?
Ha my thought was stolen. I vunted to type CHINACHINA. But no shanghai (k)nights. I r not going back to my hokkien roots kthx.

11. Where do you keep your money?
In my post-office moneybox. Okay there hasn't really been money in there since about five years ago but wtebs. Mostly it's in my wallet, where money usually should be.

12. Have you travelled outside the country?
Yes. It's where I bring my new "children".

13.Do you wish you were back together with any of your exes?
Well. Define exes. It could mean friends, after all. In that case... Mmm maybe.

14. Do you like peanut butter and jelly?
Epic no. Jam disgusts me on several levels. It sounds really nice but in reality, no. I hate jam. Jam. Jam. Not in donuts, not in sandwiches, not in cookies. No.

15. What is your motto in love?
Omg my thought was stolen again. Ahh wtebs. Uh. Well I believe you can fall in love with anyone no matter who or what they are. Love transcends gender race religion psychic evaluations. Everything.

16. The thing you love about relationships?
Everything. But especially feeling loved and appreciated. It's rare. Ahh just everything that makes you smile.

17. The thing you love about being single?
It's easier to focus. Other than that, well you know which team I bat for.

18. Would you give up a dream for someone you loved?
Only if there really are no alternatives. Sure, I would do it. Sometimes it's enough to just be together :)

19. Do you wanna cut your hair?
I need a trim. Well sometimes I want to chop off like half my hair, as I have stated previously. But I wouldn't.

20. Are you over the age of 25?
Mhh almost legal. Not quite near to 25 yet though.

21. Do you talk a lot?
Ramble babble word vomit verbal diarrhoea. I guess that's a yes. But in social situations where I don't really know anyone I am like the quietest person there. Sry for having no social skills.

22. Do you watch The O.C.?
No. It's dumb. Sorry. I used to like OTH but wow it got so craptastic after the second season like wtf.

23. Does your MSN name have an "x" in it?
I admit I checked. No. But what does this question imply exactly. That one who has an "x" in their dn is an "emo" or a "lian"?

24. Anybody you know with a unique name?
Lolol everybody puts tazkiah. and ash. For me, um. Shashi, Amaris, Cat... Too lazy to think of more sry.

25. Favorite ice cream?
Magnum Almond. But they kinda changed it nao so it tastes a little off. D: And generally Nutella and any hazelnut ice cream. Damn that stuff is good. And Marsha Marsha Marshmallow from Ben and Jerry's.

26. Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time?
:) Isn't that how a lot of great love stories start out?

27. Are you typically a jealous person?
Yes. Extremely. I don't show it alot, but it eats at me.

28. Is there such thing as a perfect relationship?
Nobody's perfect~ K but srsly, a perfect relationship to me means that you've gone through a whole lot of crap but in the end you still have something great.

29. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "I":
Lol fail I ttly admit I went to facebook to check. I think I rly don't know anyone with an I name. or at least I can't think of it right now. The only one I have is Isabel my 7th floor neighbour who I haven't spoken to since I was about six years old.

30. Who's the last person to call you?
Momz. Nagging me to get an extra seat.

31. Last magazine you bought?
Singapore seventeen, sry2say.

32. Do you chew on your straws?
I used to. But the habit has kind of died. I still do it sometimes.

33. Do you have curly hair?
Once upon a time. Now it's just long and slightly wavy. It gets wavier the shorter it is though.

34. Can you dance like a chicken?
I'm not a chicken, sitting on a chicken log.

35. Last concert?
MCR. :'(

36. What is something you say a lot?
OMGOMG I HAVE A JOKE. -pun is told- "GEDDIT!!!!"

37. Favorite color?
Rainbow and turquoise. :)

38.Believe in karma?
Kind of. But if karma were really strict then why isn't Paris Hilton lying in a ditch somewhere? So I guess there are allowances.

39. Do you know what a plectrum is for?
I do now since I dictionary.com-ed it. Um... I KNOW WHAT AN AGLET IS FOR!!!

40. Do you have to work tomorrow?
I gots ta do my homework. At the last possible minute though.

41. Who was the last person you said I love you to?

42. What should you be doing right now?
Running and revising. Teh two 'R's.

43. Do you have a nickname?
Mree, Tater, Crunch, Mashie... I have alot actually. Meh lazy.

44.Are you a heavy sleeper?
LOLOL yes. ask anyone who's ever camped with me. I am dead to the world. But i do enjoy randomly waking up in the middle of the night.

45. Do you watch tv?
What kind of a question is this. We r not geico cavemen, ppls.

46. Is there anyone you like right now?

47.When was the last time you fell in love?
... :) Well tbh that implies that it's happened more than once. Or at all. Hmm I'll just be cryptic.

48.If you were stuck in a situation and could call someone for help,who would it be?
None of my friends. Nobody picks up the phone. Not my brother. He'll hang up on me. My mom might hang up on me too. ... THIS IS AN SOS IT'S TROO!!!!

49.What was your last craving/want?
Mhh. :) I guess everyone who does this quiz has an interesting answer to this one.



Thursday, July 03, 2008

I do not feel like blogging and that shall in turn be my blogpost. BE AMAZED BY MY PROFUNDITY.


fuckaround. fuck around.

i do not feel the need to explain myself.


it's 12.40am. whoop de fucking dee. i'm going to forget my whole purity thing for this post because damn it, I really need to swear my fucking brains out. well here i fucking go, fucking posting my whole self-pitying crap for the world to see. I actually wrote a verbal diarrhoea poem today in LD called Just Because It's Self-Pity, Doesn't Mean It Isn't True. That was when my whole lovely mood started. I was feeling just tiddly before that, but boy did I feel great then.

today i started some fucktard story about a girl named wianna. what the hell, i know. I don't even like the name but it suited her. i need to write some fucking good prose for mentorship application which is on the GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING FOURTH OF JULY. THAT IS UMMM TOMORROW. Why the FUCK did i put everything off so long? I HAD TWO FUCKING MONTHS. I EXPECT MYSELF TO FUCK EVERYTHING UP BUT NOT THIS. I DON'T HAVE ANY GODDAMN TIME LEFT. This is more important than everything else yet I still go and fuck it the hell up. Admittedly I produced some good poetry but it's not anywhere near as good as my prose is yet I can't crank anything out. The whole Wianna fiasco is flowing well enough but IT'S NOT GOING TO GET ME IN. I NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING FUCKING PROFOUND. Gair, where are you?

moving on to MORE self-loathing.I have to write the fucking argumentative essay tomorrow. I HATE THAT SHIT. ITS SO STUPID GOD. Not to mention, I just know that _____ WILL score just LOVELY marks for it while i score a nineteen or something, goddamn. Then I'm left feeling like I'm not a fucking writer at all, and just a girl in a completely shitty school even stupider than the bitches around her. TBQMFH, I feel like I'm better than a lot of people. It sounds totally bad but whatever. I have this secret superiority complex. But then life decides that just to spite me, 57301837490 people will be sent along to steal whatever I'm good at.

I'm already fucking tired of ranting. What-freaking-ever.

Umm I think this post was the result of not having bitched to Cashie in like years. Bitch I can't live without you. I am going apeshit. Fucking facepalm my life.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

okay i thought i posted this yesterday but EVIDENTLY I DIDN'T. FAIL. k start.

HELLO LITTLE NORWEGIANS. omg I haven't said that in 5386201070 years.



I am currently in possession of.

Wait for it.




The cereal that pwns all cereals. omg i haven't eaten them in forever. agh!!!

gotten from my new favourite supermarket, cold storage @ clementi arcade. omg lol giant fiasco because my mom didn't have any money, so had to pay by cashcard instead, but it kept declining until this dude came and in his own words "it was waiting for me to come." bought a gabilliam cans of chicken soup too. and cap'n crunch, yan yan, JUST JOOCE, wanted to buy capri-sun but no way was i lugging that brotha home, and and idk there was loads of stuff. oh and ice cream soda. I LOVE ICE CREAM SODA. IT IS SO GOOD IT TASTES LIKE LIKE CARNIVALS AND CAROUSELS AND HAPPIER TIMES WITH TINY BASKETBALLS AND COTTON CANDY.

leann rimes rapes my mind. lol that ttly RIMES. GEDDIT. AHAHHAAHA.

LYFF GOES AWN! She looked so flipping hot in this video. i knew this even at nine years old yes.

omg i remember like running to my room to tape the music video. i used to be so ocd about taping music videos. i had two full tapes full of music videos. i started a third one but never really filled it up. omg that was the SHIZZLE man. good music nobody remembers from the early 2000s. that was the life.


Nom nom nom.

I do not remember the last time I saw this cd. MY BROTHER GAVE IT TO ME FOR MY EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. OR CHRISTMAS. Something. I was definitely eight. I remember being in my cheerleading/choreographing phase and did a dance to this song HAHA yes. the plotline was something like toys coming alive in the moonlight. it was actually good if i do say so myself. i can't remember the steps but i was xtremely ~creative bbs.

argh. sometimes it is hard not to swear. I just forget myself. anyway CURSES I NEED TO EMAIL THA PILLOW MAN. i ttly fawgawttt. epic nubs.