I enjoy going to smugopedia. If only people would post there more often.
Socrates' speech on love in the Symposium--arguing that love is merely a longing for immortality and ideas are immortal--is just a conceit of the intellectual. I prefer Aristophanes' speech, imagining a world in which humans were once four-armed, four-legged, and two-headed balls who tumbled around doing cartwheels, each one split in two and yearning to find their other half.
For god's sake how beautiful is that.
I finally went on that month overdue run. And did crunches like a bitch. I have also finally completed my christmas shopping although everyone should know that i bought absolutely NO presents for any friends. Ya. There is nothing worth buying ok. Except that I saw the almost-perfect thing for bbc but had no fucking money. I'm making her cupcakes anyway. And giving greg cake because he is easy to please like that. omg no winking. Anyway baq to the presents. I found my grandpa some obscure azn books and discovered the store to be a veritable goldmine of cap bewks. I FOUND THIS ~*VINTAGE*~ eye on the world from motherfucking 1999. And all my mentor's books. And many other mentor's books. ... Ya I can't believe I almost purchased azn literature for myself. I was going to buy jeffrey's books but i was money-less.
Circus rapes mind.
I have a shitload of gift wrapping to do. Ok. List to myself.
1) Wrap presents
2) At least start on your motherfucking chem homework, oh my god
3) Label new file
4) Omg purchase your fucking schoolbooks sometime this century
6) Start srs bsns reading again
7) Email Ms Lim with anthology piece
8) Arvon write-up for straits times
10) Start on pondering journal.
I have yet to pick out what I'm going to wear for Christmas. Only plaid skirt is confirmed. And red tights. And shooz.
I think I haz new year's down at least. lmao il how unorganised we are.
Sometimes I find my heartbeat quickening with unnecessary anticipation for things that might very well be anticlimactic. I should just not expect anything. That's what I'm telling myself.
I'm off to make something like the second log cake. Pray that it works out.